They said her body is now, finally, beautiful.
Body positivity is trending higher than weight bias, which is henceforth frowned upon.
Self-esteem + societal judgement problems… solved.
Did you hear? The “good” guys and the mean “girls” got the memo! They obliged to not comment about our juicy thighs behind our backs any more, ok?
These curves we carry around… they are now luscious. They are not in any way, shape or form, (get it) disgusting or laziness personified.
This new sensuality includes, but is legally not limited to, daylight hour observations regarding the bodies of others.
Our hourglasses are now not just featured in kinky nighttime fantasies, where our massive tits reign supreme.
Although, my new black leather DD demi cup bodice does fit very nicely. Thank you for noticing and commenting on my body, again.
“Angry Coastal Lesbian Feminist”, they yelled at her (like this was some sort of soap-in-the-mouth, middle-American insult meant to cut to her core).
“Gosh. Thank you”, she said, face flushing with joy that three of the four descriptors that came before her name were finally on point.
Righteous indignation is often confused with anger, but she’ll let it slide this time. Seventy-five percent is a passing grade, and the best one they’d gotten together to date.
What they were witnessing wasn’t anger, but the explosively seismic power of manifesting one’s own self-respect, destiny.
What they really didn’t understand, was that it took a lifetime of unsolicited suggestions to realize this: the ability to submit a request for a personal market value adjustment is actually determined, from within.